The Studio is located on a street off of 29 Mile Road,
just West of Romeo Plank in Ray Township, Michigan.
My studio space is filled with the dreamiest natural light, with primarily white walls, which is ideal for getting the softest & most beautiful light on my subjects. Staple pieces of furniture, such as a white bed, an antique sofa & some classic chairs fill the room and may be used in your photos.
There are several backdrop options, along with a classic white
wainscoting wall and large windows.
The studio closet has a few classic pieces for newborns, baby, children
and mothers/mothers-to-be and are available to wear during your session.
Several swaddles and blankets and a few simple props are also available
for newborns and babies.
My space is fully furnished, heated and has a private restroom. I always have it filled with snacks and water and you are encouraged to have one, relax and sit down in between sets. I hope you get the opportunity to enjoy the ease of the studio experience someday with me.
Do you have a Studio Session coming up?
Not sure what to wear? Check this out!